Video English/Espanol. God faith? What is faith? What are the ingredients of faith? How can you tell when faith is in action? Join Henry Constancio and Howard Huntzinger as they explain some of the basics of faith.
You might have a word of knowledge from the Lord for your Spouse, but the Lord’s timing is everything. In this short video Mary Constancio talks about how she had a word of healing for her husband but was told to wait. This teaching is from the Ambassadors of the Flame of Mercy live broadcast of Living Faith and Mercy (July 10, 2020).
What did Jesus mean when he said, “Whoever loves father or mother, son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”? This teaching is from the Ambassadors of the Flame of Mercy live broadcast of Living Faith and Mercy (June 28, 2020).
Fear, finances, or impacting other people's lives can easily influence us in making the right decision? Have you made a decision that you later regretted? As Christians, how can we know if we are following God's will for us or our own will? In this episode of the School of Mary, Henry and Mary Constancio teaching how to make a decision.
Unlove brings about hunger and deprivation to the soul – brings anger, insecurity affecting the liver and kidneys. Feeling lonely, sad? What are the actions of unlove and love, and what are some steps a person can take to start loving themselves?
In this video recorded in 2008, speaker Carolyn Huntzinger will walk you through Saint Paul’s great description of love found in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13, telling her story how she moved from unlove to love. The video concludes with a simple exercise to start loving yourself.
English/Spanish “A father’s blessing gives a person firm roots, but a mother’s curse uproots the growing plant.” (Sirach 3:19) This is the first of a 2-part series, learn how a wounded and bitter husband reacts towards his wife, and are her actions really going to help him, or are her action fanning the flames of bitterness into a raging fire? Learn how a husband's lack of blessings is really a curse. And learn how can a couple turn bitterness into blessings.
"Husbands, love your wives. Avoid any bitterness toward them." (Colossians 3: 19) In this second part of this 2-part series, learn how a wounded and bitter husband reacts towards his wife, and are her actions really going to help him, or are her action fanning the flames of bitterness into a raging fire? Learn how a husband's lack of blessings is really a curse. And learn how can a couple turn bitterness into blessings.
You might have faith to move a mountain, and no doubt, but can you really move that mountain? Really, can you move that mountain? In this video, Howard Huntzinger talks about why you have not seen physical mountains being moved by faith and get an insight into what Jesus is talking about.
In this episode of Understanding Healing, Howard Huntzinger explores four reasons Christians go through trials and fall into spiritual pits. Some trials and pits we are meant to experience, and others need to be avoided. Also, what is the difference between salvific suffering and needless suffering? These questions and more are answered in this episode.
Are today’s headlines announcing the storms of your life? Do you want to avoid many, many calamities, many wrong decisions? Jesus didn’t tell us that we wouldn’t have storms in our lives, but how to survive the storm. The next storm is coming, and it is time to get ready for it. In this episode, Howard Huntzinger talks about how Christians get ready for the next storm event. Please leave your comments and questions on healing below.
Do you or someone else you know need a physical or spiritual healing from God? A common misconception is that the person who needs the healing needs to have faith in Jesus for Jesus to heal them, but that is not true. Scripture reveals three sources of faith that can be used for healing. Learn what these sources are. Teaching presented by Howard Huntzinger.
In this episode of School of Mary, guest speaker Mary Christiansen explains what fasting is about. Jesus himself fasted! Our Lady of Fatima spoke of the need to fast. Why do we fast and why should we fast? We believe you will find Mary’s fascinating and enlightening.
God is calling Christian Action Heroes and you are one of them! What is a Christian Action Hero and how do we answer the call? We will explain the "what" and "how", plus tell you how to take your first steps in this journey!
Go back to the roots of the Queen of Mercy and the Feast of the Assumption of 1988. This historical film was made in 1988 to document the event known as the coming of the Queen of Mercy, and the twenty thousand that came together at Saint John Neumann Church in Lubbock, Texas on August 15, 1988, to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption and the Queen of Mercy.
The School of Mary includes the teachings found in the inspirational writings of Mary Constancio concerning her private revelation about the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of the Queen of Mercy. These teachings, centered on reconciliation with God, bring us to the scripture passage where Mary, the mother of Jesus, tells those waiting on the tables, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5)
Join us as we talk about some of the insights given to us through the School of Mary teachings.
Have you been rejected? Even perceived rejection, to you, is still rejections. What is rejection, and how do we move towards healing? Join Henry Constancio along with Carolyn Huntzinger in this 3-part series as they explore this subject on rejection during a live broadcast of the School of Mary. Who knows, this may lead you to new freedom and healing of your pain of rejection.
How does a person get rid of rejection? Mary Constancio talks about how she got rejected and the Lord God explained to her how to deal with it. Join us for this episode of the School of Mary where she explains the story of the Thorn and the Stone
Join us as we talk about some of the insights given to us through the School of Mary teachings.
When you receive the answers to your prayers, who really answered. Is it God blessing you or the devil trying to enslave you? How can you tell? Join us on this episode of Living Faith and Mercy as we look at this question.
Henry and Mary Constancio answer several questions about faith and mercy during a live broadcast online held on May 15, 2020.
The following are the questions and the time where they are found in the video:
00:52- What is the biggest difference between forgiveness from the heart and not forgiving from the heart?
4:24- How do you ask the angels to help us forgive?
6:07- When you are telling us we are ready for another spiritual level; how will we know when sometimes I feel further away from God?
11:34 - Having dreams where she is battling the devil and wakes up praying in tongues. Are tongues enough or should I do something else?
Motivation speakers: Is their message of God or is it leading you deeper into worldly values? This video contains teachings from the Ambassador's live broadcast of May 15, 2020 in which Henry Constancio addresses this question from a viewer.
Live Broadcast was on May 15, 2020
Live Broadcast was on May 8, 2020
Live Broadcast was on May 1, 2020
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